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Wrestling is the world's oldest sport, defined as "the sport or activity of grappling with an opponent and trying to throw or hold them down to the ground, typically according to a code of rules. But wrestling is much more than simply trying to throw an opponent to the ground; it takes dedication, commitment and tenacity. Along with this, there are other aspects of the sport that set it apart from all others.

There is no other sport out there like wrestling, besides boxing. You are by yourself out on the mat with an opponent, and it can without a doubt be frightening. In other sports you are out on a field or court with your team. If something goes wrong you can put the blame on other players, but in wrestling their is no one to blame, because it is you who is controlling what happens during the match. According to, The Editors Of Encyclopedia Britannica "there are three basic types of wrestling contest are the belt-and-jacket, catch-hold, and loose styles, all of which appear to have originated in antiquity.

Wrestling requires a lot of skills including: the ability to be confident, have knowledge of moves and being able to think quickly. Along with those skills speed and strength play a huge factor in being a winner. Wrestling is a very intense competitive sport. When wrestling you have to be physical and aggressive, if not you are likely to lose every match.  Wrestling isn’t a sport for everyone. According to one source "wrestling was first depicted by the people who lived near the Lascaux caves in France over 15,300 years ago"("8 Oldest Sports"). Also in the same source,  "wrestling was also practiced by the ancient Egyptians as evidenced by the several wrestling scenes found in tombs at Beni Hasan." ("8 Oldest Sports")

“8 Oldest Sports in the World.” Oldest.Org, 30 Oct.   2017,



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