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African American

Being an African American is sometimes hard. Decades ago, African American's barely had any rights and was treated worthlessly. African American’s was always taken like a joke, so when a African American tries to help the community, country, or just try to do positive things in general it never turns out good.  With that being said, in 1904 George Edwin Taylor became the first African American to run for president. Of course, he wasn’t taken seriously,

Growing up Taylor was an orphan child and he lived in multiple homes. Taylor was a troubled child growing up; he was also humble. Who would ever imagine an African American like that to run against a white man for president? That was a huge step. According to, Taylor ran for president because, he’s beginning to see that he has got to take care of his own interests, and what’s more, that he has the power to do it.  After Roosevelt won the election over Taylor, he didn’t let that define who he was as a person. Eight years later, Taylor moved to Jacksonville, Florida, in late 1912 and worked as the manager of the Promotion Publishing Co., which printed a newspaper aimed at the city’s black residents. Records also show that he worked as the editor of the “colored section”. His business was very successful.  Taylor Kept pushing to become successful because he felt that white people didn’t give him enough credit.  

As years passes African Americans started to gain important rights and earned their respect. Now today we are all treated equally, and we all have the same rights. Although, in today world, African American still have racial issues. For example, there are lots of police brutality against African Americans but not nearly as bad as the 1800’s. African Americans are also, getting credit for everything they do.


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