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Everyone has their own definition of music. Some say that music is the sound and silence. Others like myself say music is much more. Music is an aural form of art that is used to express emotion and touch the hearts of the listener through the use of phrasing, dynamics, style and color. Music is a very universal art form. There are not many people in this world who do not listen to at least some form of music whether it’s pop or rock music on the radio.

The video, “Stand by Me”, by Playing for a Change, is engaging because the author presents an excellent way to get his message across through music. The message of this video was to say no matter who you are or where you go, you’re going to always need someone. Whether you’re in Africa, Brazil, California or etc.… the message remains valid.  The musicians are from different countries and different cultures, but their all singing the same song. In this video the author develops a great point which is everyone should come together as one. For example, everyone was singing the same song and it was joined as one, and symbolizes humans coming together. Different countries are using different instruments. Some countries are using drums and guitars, meanwhile, other countries are using violins and double bass.  

“Stand by Me " Is an excellent video. The authors give out great information and his video is very appealing. The video is appealing to me because it strongly pops out at me; a mixture of the different countries / cultures and words catches my attention. Watching this video has me thinking twice because to even create this video they had to do a lot of collaboration.  I’m sure it wasn’t easy creating this, you must go through different governments and different producers to make this happen. Although the author had an appealing video, I think there should've been more written areas, such as have more  words in the  video; instead the author on has music, and different themes, which is great, but I think it would've been better with words. The themes in this video is also appealing. In my prospective the author gets his point across. The video is strongly on our pathos because it shows different people preforming in different countries, which are emotional appeals.


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